Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rehash: Things You'd Find in a 19th Century Newspaper

One of my favorite things I did last semester :)
I recreated a series of articles and advertisements that you might have seen in the issue right after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. It didn't take a whole lot of research; I just trolled about the web, chose a few that I liked, and made some up of my own. My favorite one I made was probably the face serum for the women with snake venom and bone marrow. It was scary, some of the things they put in cosmetics and medicines (opium? mercury?? COCAINE???). Of course, these substances were advertised by "experts" and "specialists" (aka, learned physicians) as healthy, so the public believed them. I would have liked to know more about what actually happened to the skin/hair/mental state of the people who took this stuff regularly. I highly doubt it did as it advertised, though. The article on Lincoln's assassination was pretty easy to do, too. I think I would have put all these together into one big newspaper that I'd have brought to class, even though it would have required more work (cutting, pasting, folding, etc. etc.)

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