Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rehash: My Short Story from Last Semester

I wrote a story about Jack the Ripper for my project last semester. It was in the POV of a girl named Eliza who takes in an apprentice of the Jack himself (who, in this case, is a fire-and-brimstone, hideously prejudiced preacher). Basically, he shows up at her door one night injured and she tends to his wounds before he leaves. A few months later, she witnesses one of the killings. Had I not been born such a ridiculous procrastinator, I would have probably spent more time and research on it. So little is known about Jack (besides his beef towards streetwalkers), I feel like there was so much more I could have done with the story, such as exploring the time period and how ratchet Whitechapel was back then. Like I said, the writing's not my best either, so I do believe heavy revision is in order. And maybe I would've gone into more detail about the killing itself, just as a challenge. I've never written a murder scene, especially not as hideous as that one. A few sites did have pictures of the victims' bodies, which did help in the writing process. Unfortunately, though, my brain is probably pissed off at me for exposing it to such hideous imagery.

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